Washington State boasts a vibrant and diverse economy, but we must continuously seek ways to foster inclusive growth and ensure that working people are at the center of economic development efforts.

This comprehensive plan outlines key strategies and initiatives to promote good jobs for working people, sustainable economic growth, and improve affordability and the well-being of Washington’s residents.

The first requirement for a successful economy is for government to have its house in order, operating effectively and with the same expectations for efficiency that any business requires.

Bob Ferguson has a proven record of fiscal responsibility and good governance. As King County Councilmember, he built balanced, bipartisan multi-billion-dollar budgets. He pushed the County to purchase used furniture to save money. He will use that experience to promote a healthy business climate in Washington and build an economy that works for everyone. The Tri-City Herald editorial board wrote, “[Attorney General Ferguson has] done something we don’t often see in government: He’s running his office like a business.”

Bob has a comprehensive plan to grow an economy that benefits small business and large employers, strengthens urban, suburban, and rural communities, and creates good jobs for working people. He will:

  1. Foster a healthy business climate that supports innovation and middle-out growth; 

  2. Get Washington moving by making critical infrastructure and transportation investments; 

  3. Prepare a well-trained Washington workforce for the jobs of today – and the future; and

  4. Ensure everyone can be part of a thriving economy by addressing high costs. 

Bob’s Record of Promoting Growth and Supporting Business
  • Bob has a record of protecting taxpayers, streamlining government, and ensuring government is more responsive to the people. He balanced the County budget, and pushed government to buy used furniture to save money. He went against his party and risked his seat to eliminate four elected Council positions. Politicians talk about reducing government – Bob has done it.

  • Bob has a record in Olympia of engagement, collaboration, and partnership with the employer community to achieve shared goals. He has a record of standing up for small businesses targeted by scams and organized retail crime. As Attorney General, Bob works to ensure a level playing field for businesses.

  • Bob sponsored and passed bipartisan legislation at the King County Council to reduce barriers and to streamline the process for doing business with the county. Bob helped streamline the county's procurement processes, reducing paperwork and making the process more open and transparent.

  • Bob partnered with business to combating organized retail theft that harms businesses, puts workers at risk, and negatively impacts the economy.

  • Bob launched a Small Business Protection Initiative in the Attorney General’s Office to specifically focus on scams targeting small business owners, who can be particularly vulnerable because they cannot afford the expense of legal counsel. This initiative has involved five lawsuits and counting and more than $30 million ordered to pay in penalties and financial restitution for impacted employers.

  • “Patent trolls” harass and threaten small businesses and cost the economy billions of dollars according to a study by Boston University. Bob wrote and passed the Patent Troll Prevention Act. Bob also filed one of the first enforcement actions in the country aimed at curbing patent troll abuse.

  • Bob fights unfair rate increases against businesses and other ratepayers. Bob grew the Public Counsel Unit in his office that does this work.

  • Bob promoted fair competition. He won millions of dollars for Washington employers harmed by an illegal price-fixing scheme committed by foreign manufacturers of the components of laptop, computer monitor, and television screens. This is just one tangible example of the way Bob’s enforcement efforts benefit Washington employers by creating a level playing field.

As Governor, Bob will also continue to make Washington an outstanding place to live, work and raise a family, attracting talent and capital to Washington.

He will not wait. Shortly after taking office, he will sign three executive orders to expand opportunities for Washingtonians, improve relationships between employers and state government, and facilitate growth by speeding up the bureaucracy. He will:

Direct state agencies to waive all fees if they fail to deliver permits on time. This will speed up the bureaucracy and incentivize quicker permitting and good government. Pennsylvania implemented this policy – we can do the same in Washington.

Eliminate the requirement for a four-year degree for most state jobs. A degree isn't the only way to build important skills. As Attorney General,  Bob removed the requirement for legal professional staff to have a college degree. In his first week as Governor, he will sign an executive order eliminating the requirement for a four-year degree for most state jobs.

Direct state agencies to focus on good jobs for working people. As Governor, Bob will direct the economic and workforce development agencies to focus their resources on creating good-paying, secure jobs with benefits for all the people of Washington, including rural areas and communities of color who have been left behind in the past.

He will then begin implementing the following action items to grow Washington’s economy.

The Ferguson Plan


The son of a Boeing employee and public school teacher, Bob grew up in a large, middle class family — he knows that opportunity shouldn’t be tied to inherited wealth, and innovation should never be stymied by lack of access to capital and support. That’s why as Governor, Bob will center economic equity, opportunity, and fairness to help people reach their goals, families achieve needed stability, and structure government in a way that reflects our shared values.

Create a “one-stop shop" for businesses looking to grow and succeed in Washington. Bob will help businesses navigate the process of applying for state permits, licenses, and grants by creating a "one-stop shop" for businesses. The goal is to expedite the permitting, approval and funding processes, which are often handled by different state agencies. If you want to grow your business or invest in Washington, you're not going to need to go to five different agencies anymore.

Streamline regulations and reduce bureaucracy. Bob will simplify regulatory processes to make it easier for small businesses to start to operate. Building on his success cutting unnecessary bureaucratic red tape in King County, Bob will establish a task force to identify and eliminate unnecessary barriers and create a more business-friendly environment. Additionally, he will refocus the Department of Commerce on inclusive economic growth by moving its affordable housing responsibilities to a new state agency to ensure the success of its core mission — growing Washington’s economy. 

Pass balanced budgets with a robust “Rainy Day Fund.”  The first step in producing a healthy business climate comes from the state managing its revenues prudently and managing its fiscal affairs effectively. As Governor, Bob will ensure that every year, Washington adopts a balanced budget on time that includes adequate reserves in the Budget Stabilization Account (“Rainy Day Fund”). This will help ensure Washington maintains its Aaa bond rating – the highest possible rating – which will save taxpayers money and facilitate growth.

Promote a predictable business climate. As Governor, Bob will lead an administration that is transparent and communicates with employers and other stakeholders to avoid unnecessary confusion or unintended consequences.

Improve public safety by increasing law enforcement. Bob understands the importance of public safety to fostering growth and maintaining a healthy business climate, especially for retail and tourism industries. As Governor, Bob will increase the number of law enforcement personnel in Washington. Washington currently ranks last in law enforcement personnel per capita in the country. Bob will change that as Governor. His first budget will include a $100 million grant program for local governments to hire more law enforcement personnel. Two of his first actions will include hiring more State Patrol Troopers and bolstering the Unit in the Department of Corrections that’s responsible for tracking down and detaining individuals under community supervision who abscond. He will also implement a Crisis Response Plan to address the fentanyl epidemic, and equip law enforcement with improved technology to combat crime. Read his full Public Safety Plan here.

Foster entrepreneurship and innovation. Our state is the most innovative state in the country. However, we can’t rest on our laurels. To drive economic growth and job creation, it is crucial that we continue to support entrepreneurship and innovation. Bob will embrace opportunities in emerging technologies and focus on creating jobs in the clean energy economy. 

Expand markets for Washington goods by promoting trade.  Washington state is the most trade dependent state in the country. Bob will personally engage in trade missions to increase markets for Washington goods, including, but not limited to, agriculture, seafood and aerospace. Additionally, his refocused Department of Commerce will be able to devote additional resources to coordinating successful trade missions connecting our businesses with trading partners around the world.  

Support employers of all sizes, including small businesses. Small businesses play a crucial role in Washington’s economy. To empower them and ensure their sustainability, Bob will pursue the following measures:

  • Promote local procurement. Bob will support Washington’s economy by encouraging state agencies and large employers to prioritize sourcing from local employers, fostering a thriving ecosystem of local suppliers. He will develop online platforms to connect buyers with local businesses, facilitating procurement processes.

  • Enhance access to capital. As Governor, Bob will develop initiatives to increase access to capital for small businesses and startups, such as creating a state-level investment fund and expanding microloan programs such as the Small Business Credit Initiative. Bob will strengthen partnerships with financial institutions to provide targeted financial services to underserved communities and entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds.

  • Access to resources and expertise. Access to microloans is critical to small businesses. Bob will work with the Legislature and community financial institutions to expand the Small Business Flex Fund to help small businesses and nonprofits access up to $150,000 in low-interest loans that can be used for payroll, utilities, rent, building improvements and other business expenses. Additionally, he will expand small business development centers and provide comprehensive support services, including access to business advisors, training programs, and financial counseling. He will foster mentorship programs to connect experienced business owners with aspiring entrepreneurs.

  • Support women and minority-owned small businesses. Bob will improve Washington state’s procurement processes to support women and minority-owned businesses. He will promote greater opportunities for women and minority-owned businesses to compete. 

  • Provide Education Resources. Bob’s Department of Commerce will publish and disseminate information resources to help small business owners succeed. 

Establish startup incubators and accelerators. Bob will collaborate with the private sector to create innovation hubs and facilitate knowledge sharing and networking opportunities. Bob will promote economic partnerships in every corner of the state. 

Build and deploy teams of economic development experts to partner with local and regional partners. Bob will build and deploy teams of economic development experts that will work closely with local and regional partners to promote Washington state and expand and deepen trade and economic relationships worldwide. He will ensure these teams are deployed across the state to rural and urban counties. His teams will promote Washington’s agriculture industry to new markets. He will ensure experienced grant writers are available to assist and facilitate partnerships and economic collaboration, particularly in rural and underserved communities including women and minority-owned businesses.

Encourage research and development. We have the best research universities in the world, leading breakthroughs in medicine, computer science, clean energy, and agriculture technology. Bob will invest in research institutions and foster collaboration between universities, industries, and government agencies. He will support transformative research and innovation in our world-class universities and research institutions, STEM education, and support and pursue evidence-based solutions to the climate crisis. These investments will ensure that we fully capture the clean energy opportunity of the 21st century – the next generation of Washingtonians will lead the scientific advancements and innovations that help solve this global challenge. 

Strengthen Washington's Seafood Economy. The seafood sector supports vibrant working waterfronts across our state. Bob knows that to maintain and grow Washington's proud position as a seafood superpower will require new investments and partnerships. As the fishing sector seeks to replace a generation of aging boats, Bob will explore ways to incentivize construction of new low-emission fishing vessels. He will also work closely with our state's ports to ensure continued close collaboration with the industry. Furthermore, Bob’s vocational and technical education plans will focus on the specialized skills necessary to develop the seafood workforce of tomorrow.

Promote tourism. As Governor, Bob will collaborate with local businesses and foster partnerships with hotels, restaurants, and tour operators to expand Washington's tourism economy. He will support and promote cultural events, music festivals, food fairs, and other attractions that draw tourists and showcase the diversity of Washington state. As a longtime Sonics fan, Bob is committed to bringing back our Sonics.

Support equity and fair competition for employers and workers in Washington. Businesses succeed when there’s a level-playing field and everyone has a chance to compete. Bob will continue to center Washingtonians by combating price-fixing and monopolies and holding accountable those that violate the rules to gain an unfair competitive advantage.

Expand affordable childcare to remove barriers for family stability, workplace advancement, and employee turnover. High-quality and accessible child care and long-term care services drive Washington’s economy by providing a foundation for Washingtonians to work and providing jobs for many Washingtonians. Bob is committed to a strong care infrastructure in Washington where workers have access to quality, accessible care for their loved ones so they can work. The lack of affordable childcare in our state disproportionately impacts women and lower and middle income workers who too often leave the workforce, change jobs frequently, or suffer from lack of upward mobility in their careers. This gap in our economic support system harms families, perpetuates inequality, and hurts employers who value and seek to retain skilled workers. Bob will work with public, private, philanthropic and labor partners to address this need with an emphasis on co-located services, greater subsidy for low and middle income families, improved workforce development for childcare workers, and other programs that can make a real difference for Washington families.


Bob will promote sustainable economic growth, family-wage job creation, and improve safety by fixing and modernizing Washington’s infrastructure. He will focus on both immediate action to address today’s challenges and long-term strategic planning to meet the needs of the future. He will promote project labor agreements and ensure safe working conditions. 

Bob will take the following steps:

Speed up the bureaucracy. Bob will direct his agencies to waive fees if they fail to deliver permits on time. This will incentivize quicker permitting and good government. Bob will employ the lessons learned by Pennsylvania Governor and Bob’s supporter Josh Shapiro, who led the herculean effort to reopen I-95 after it collapsed in just 12 days: “Empower strong leadership; speed up the bureaucracy, think creatively, and work together.” Governor Shapiro endorses Bob’s campaign.

Improve transportation integration and connectivity. Bob knows that a strong economy relies on sound infrastructure. He will invest in upgrading transportation networks, including bridges, public transit, broadband infrastructure, and more. He will lead the way towards replacing the I-5 bridge over the Columbia River. He will explore high-speed rail. He will prioritize projects that enhance connectivity between urban and rural areas, promoting regional development and access to job opportunities. He will also improve integration of Washington’s too-often siloed transportation networks.

Establish the country’s premier Hydrogen Hub. Washington state will host one of a handful of Hydrogen Hubs around the country, promising $1.2B in federal investment in hydrogen projects in Washington. Bob will ensure that Washington hosts the most successful Hydrogen Hub in the country to create thousands of good-paying jobs and transform our clean energy economy. Bob’s team will work every day to ensure the Hub’s success at fostering public-private partnerships, and improve efficiencies and collaboration to advance hydrogen infrastructure. Bob and his team will ensure these projects include project labor agreements, apprenticeships opportunities, and strong oversight to ensure community benefits are met. 

Create growth, good jobs and apprenticeships through investments in clean energy installation and sustainable infrastructure. Bob will expand Washington’s Clean Energy Fund to establish a Clean Energy Bank in order to accelerate deployment of proven clean energy technologies, and contain costs for ratepayers and working families. Bob will ensure high-paying, high-skilled union jobs building a healthier, more sustainable future. This includes decarbonizing our built infrastructure — linking clean energy production with clean vehicles and transit, upgrading heating and cooling in homes and commercial buildings, and building resiliency as water level fluctuation and drought threaten hydroelectric reliability in the face of growing electrical needs.

Streamline regulatory processes to facilitate renewable energy projects. Bob has a record of eliminating unnecessary, redundant, ineffective, or counterproductive regulations. He will continue that work to ensure the expansion of renewable energy transmission and distribution systems, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, creating good-paying, union jobs and state-registered apprenticeships in the clean energy economy. 

Support rural infrastructure needs. Funding for rural infrastructure will ensure all Washingtonians have equitable access to jobs and a strong quality of life. For example, Bob will expand rural broadband access and make necessary investments to ensure basic essential ferry service continues to be provided to rural areas.

Fix Washington’s broken ferry system. Bob talks about his commitment to addressing Washington’s ferry crisis everywhere he goes in the state. He understands how critical our ferry system is for our economy, health, and quality of life for so many Washingtonians. As Governor, Bob will immediately go to work implementing a plan to fix Washington’s ferry system. He is the first and only candidate who has produced a Plan. Read his full Plan here

Explore high-speed rail. A stronger, better connected economic region — stretching from greater Vancouver, British Columbia to metro Seattle, Washington to Portland, Oregon — has the potential to thrive in the global marketplace. A key component of that vision is a fast, frequent, reliable and environmentally responsible transportation system that unites this Cascadia megaregion, and positions it for global competitiveness and future prosperity. Bob will pursue public-private partnerships to explore the viability of providing regular and reliable, zero emission rail service or other transit service from population centers to our state universities, effectively connecting our entire state.

Improve safety and build resilience to natural disasters. Washington must prepare for risks from extreme events, such as a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake or other natural disaster. Bob will replace aging infrastructure and prepare for disruptions. He will make our roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure able to withstand future earthquakes, meet safety standards, and survive climate change related impacts.  Preparing Washington’s schools and critical infrastructure for a natural disaster and climate-related impacts will take significant investments and leadership that Bob is ready to provide as Governor. He knows that our region will likely experience a significant earthquake in the future and failing to address seismic upgrades will lead to needless deaths and injuries, and will limit the ability of our first responders to save lives.  Bob will address these issues through immediate investments — and not wait for lives to be lost.


Washington’s future economic success depends on expanding our high-quality workforce. Bob will increase access to a range of post-secondary learning and skills-development opportunities, especially for those who are underrepresented, young people, and those who are currently not engaged in work or school. He will lead the most apprenticeship-friendly administration in the country. 

Focus on good jobs for working people. Bob will direct the economic and workforce development agencies to focus their resources on creating good-paying, secure jobs with benefits for all the people of Washington, including rural areas and communities of color who have been left behind in the past. He will direct this work from the Governor’s Office to ensure it is prioritized by agencies and delivers measurable results that improve people’s lives and make businesses healthier.

Promote a smooth transition for high school students into apprenticeship, job training, college, or work. Bob will work with the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the business community to promote business internships and career exploration for high school students, on-site at local businesses throughout the state. By strengthening Career and Technical Education, making the High School and Beyond Plan more meaningful, and building upon the innovative Career Connect Washington model, we can create clear career pathways for high school students that start while they are in high school, and then continue smoothly into post-secondary job training and a great career.

Make college affordable and accessible for all who want it. College is not the only way to a good career, and not everyone wants to go to college. However, it is good for our people, employers, and economy if everyone who wants to go to college can do so—affordably! Bob will personally visit high schools to help families find out about the Washington College Grant, which makes college free for low-income Washingtonians and much more affordable for middle-income families, all across the state. Bob will increase public outreach and remove bureaucratic hurdles so families can find out about and access this money for college, which already exists in Washington State Law. He will also promote the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship and traditional financial aid, and work with high schools to help families complete financial aid forms during senior year.

Help adults retrain for new careers to adapt to economic changes. A mid-career adult with a family to house and feed cannot easily step out of a dead-end job to retrain for a career that will move their family into a much higher income bracket. Bob will create scholarships for job training and education that include money to pay for living expenses while training. That will finally make it realistic for adults with family responsibilities to step out of the workforce to train for a better-paying career, while still caring for their families and putting groceries on the table. Programs like the GI Bill, Trade Act, and Washington’s innovative and bipartisan Economic Security for All model give us examples to build upon, so Washington families can realistically spend time in re-training or education, adapt to economic changes, and move up into great careers.

Bring federal infrastructure projects to Washington and fill those jobs with Washington residents. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPs and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act each include billions of federal dollars for infrastructure and business investments—including the costs to train local residents to take those new jobs. Washington can capitalize on these federal investments to create good-paying jobs. Changes in global trade, telecommuting, green energy, and de-risking in China provide even more opportunities for Washinton businesses to create good jobs in Washington. To capture these opportunities, Bob will create a Quality Jobs Council to coordinate applications for federal project funds to bring money, projects, job training, and good-paying jobs to Washington, with a major focus on rural Washington, communities of color, economically distressed communities, and good-paying union jobs. The council will publicly track and report their success in bringing money and new jobs to these communities, for transparency and accountability. It will also track Washington’s success compared to other states and nations, so the public can see the evidence that Washington is outpacing other states and other parts of the world, and creating good jobs for working people right here in Washington.

Strengthen vocational and technical education.  Bob will build the necessary partnerships and make critical investments necessary to identify workforce needs and projections, expand skills-training opportunities, and connect skilled workers to employers. He will support institutions programs providing high-demand skills-training and career and technical education for Washingtonians. He will leverage public-private partnerships to ensure Washingtonians who pursue a career and technical path have access to state-of-the-art-facilities and high-quality instructors. He will develop and expand apprenticeship initiatives to bridge the skills gap and prepare workers for high-demand sectors such as health care, life sciences, advanced manufacturing, clean energy, and technology. 

Improve, expand, and incentivize greater access to higher education opportunities. Bob will fully fund Washington’s need-based scholarships, grants, and tuition assistance programs. Knowing the power of education — and the need to expand and diversify the workforce in critical emerging sectors of our economy, Bob will also work to provide targeted assistance that encourages entry into areas of growth and need. He will work to encourage more Washington students to apply for these opportunities.

Expand opportunities for Washingtonians without a 4-year degree. Bob will sign an executive order in his first week on the job removing the requirement for a 4-year degree for most state jobs. Many Washingtonians have the skills necessary to excel in state jobs, but are unable to compete because of an arbitrary requirement for applicants to have completed a 4-year degree. Increasing opportunities will promote growth, allow more qualified applicants to apply for public service jobs, and ensure job requirements are tailored to the specifics of a job. 

Support state-registered apprenticeships and opportunity in skilled trades. Bob will promote high-standard apprenticeship programs in partnership with unions, employers, and community and technical colleges. He will enact public policies that expand apprenticeship opportunities. This will include focusing on child care for industries with nontraditional hours to allow more qualified Washingtonians to participate and develop a skill or trade that will help move our economy forward. He will also support non-traditional apprenticeships in coding, computer engineering, home care, and other areas.

Help Washington businesses employ Washington students. Washington businesses want to employ Washington students. Too often the pathway from post-secondary education to a credential, apprenticeship or internship that can lead to a successful career is not clear. Bob will partner with industry to understand their specific workforce requirements and identify key growth sectors that can drive economic development and job creation. Bob will work with business and invest in workforce development programs that connect employers to Washingtonians with the skills they need. Bob will establish partnerships with business to facilitate the transition from education to employment. 

Promote lifelong learning. Bob will encourage continuous learning and upskilling by encouraging a state-sponsored lifelong learning fund. This fund will support individuals in acquiring new skills, staying relevant in a rapidly changing economy, and pursuing career advancements. 


Build affordable housing. Housing affordability is a critical component of a comprehensive economic development strategy. Businesses cannot attract talent from out of state and the next generations cannot work and grow their families here without affordable housing. Bob will put Washington on a path to build 200,000 affordable homes in four years. He will streamline permitting and address the housing needs of today and tomorrow, and improve affordability so that all Washingtonians can live where they work.  

Address rising health care costs. In a 2022 study, 62 percent of Washingtonians reported having trouble affording health care in the past year and had either rationed their prescriptions, delayed care, or depleted their savings to pay for health care. Eighty-one percent said they worried about affording health care in the future. 

Bob has been leading the fight to ensure every Washingtonian has access to affordable health care. While his opponent voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act multiple times in Congress, Bob successfully defended the Affordable Care Act from the legal attack from the Trump Administration and Republican attorneys general. His Supreme Court victory preserved health care for 825,000 Washingtonians, including those with preexisting conditions. It also prevented painful increases in prescription drug costs for Washington seniors.

Bob then wrote and passed legislation that guaranteed 4 million Washingtonians access to free and reduced-cost hospital care, including most older adults on fixing incomes. He’s also taking on health care monopolies that harm Washington patients.

Health care monopolies grow corporate profits, but they increase costs and reduce the quality of services. Improving competition in the healthcare industry will enhance services and reduce the cost of care. As Governor, he will eliminate barriers that stifle competition and drive prices up. 

Boost Washington’s Working Families Tax Credit. Washington’s economic potential is held back by the fact that we have one of the most upside-down, or regressive, tax codes in the country. Low-income Washingtonians pay a disproportionate share of state and local taxes. Washington’s working families tax credit is a tool to put money back in the pockets of low- and moderate-income households. Many Washingtonians have used this annual cash boost to cover costs related to starting a small business or covering family expenses like summer child care. Bob will support boosting the annual cash refund for all families, and expanding eligibility. 

Making child care affordable for all Washington families. The average cost of center-based child care for a toddler in Washington state is $14,355 - higher than the tuition costs for the University of Washington. Families should not have to pay more than 7% of their household income on child care costs. Bob is committed to building on the Fair Start for Kids law with a goal of reducing what families pay for child care.

Through this plan, Bob will promote economic growth that strengthens the middle class and puts working families first, making Washington a more affordable place to live, work, and raise a family – and the best place in the country to start and run a business.